Should Persons With Heart Problems Exercise?

  • 23rd Jun 2022
  • By Fitnet Team

Many people have often questioned whether a person with heart problems is restricted from doing exercises or not. It is not an absolute no but yes exercising affects heart health. It may affect health in positive and also in a negative ways similarly and simultaneously. Excessive heavy work out a recommended to be not done for heart patients. A heavy workout increases diastolic blood pressure. The blog shows the relationship between heart problems and exercising. It shows how strength training and High Intensive interval training exercises affect heart health. It also shows which exercises are recommended for heart patients and the heart conditions that restrict exercising.

Relationship of Heart problems with Gym 

Exercising is good for the heart but still, some problems affect heart health. Not always does exercising has a positive effect on heart problems it may also have some negative effects. Heavy exercising or exercising that requires a lot of strength may not be suitable for patients with heart problems. Hence the question that whether exercising affects heart health is yes, but still only heavy exercise affects the health. Heavy exercises include exercises such as Strengthening or High Intensive interval training (HIIT) which affects persons with heart problems.

Strength training 

Strength training is not preferred for heart patients as it deals with the gravitational force. It increases the blood pressure of the patient which is not good for a heart patient. It requires heavy lifting weight and requires a lot of pressure on the heart. Most importantly win a person works against gravity they lift heavy weights, so firstly they take a long breath and lift the weight and then slowly release the breath while they keep the weight down.

This affects cardiovascular health as it exerts a lot of pressure on the walls of the heart which also stressed the arteries. If a person is suffering from problems such as hypertension, they are suggested to avoid this type of exercise, as it can take a turn to make the situation worse. They can do such exercises, but only if they keep the breathing motion on.

Holding the dumbles tightly is restricted as strong gripping increases the reflex blood pressure which in return increases the diastolic heart pressure. Exercises like sit-ups are also suggested to be avoided because if the head is bent downwards or when the exercise is done while laying down. This increases the reflex blood flow which also as result increases the diastolic heart pressure. So, this type of exercise is restricted.

  • High Intensive interval training 

High intensive interval training exercises are restricted for heart patients as it increases the heartbeat. People doing this type of exercise get exhausted easily. If the doctor has asked the patient to not do exercise is that exhaust them easily then these type of exercises needs to be prevented. A person needs to stop the exercise that includes a hard beat of rounds 130-140 because this will make them feel exhausted very easily which in this case will create pressure in their heart. This type of exercise needs to be abolished. It is often seen when people do these heavy load exercises they may suffer heart attacks.

Exercises recommend for Heart patients 

Low-intensity exercises such as cycling walking and running are suggested for patients with heart problems because this helps them to keep their cardiovascular health quite good and also does not affects the heart negatively.

Heart patients must do exercises but at the same time, they must remember that they cannot put extra pressure on their hearts while exercising. Heart patients need to maintain a balance between too much exercise and normal exercising. A person with good heart health can do various types of exercise but a person with heart problems needs to follow a few restrictions. Lightweight exercise such as normal weightlifting and walking is suggested.

A person may even do low-intensity interval training exercises but under the supervision of a trained trainer who has a professional qualification. Exercising is very much necessary to keep a person healthy and to maintain good body weight. Though there may be few body conditions in which exercising is highly restricted. People with other body problems like blood pressure or diabetes are also restricted from several types of exercise as a person with diabetes is said not to do exercise in the morning.

Heart Conditions that restrict exercising 

Various heart diseases prevent persons from exercising. Few search heart problems include problems like bypass surgery or persons with high diastolic blood pressure. A person with bypass surgery cannot do any kind of exercise because they cannot input any kind of pressure into their heart and so doctors ask such patients to avoid exercising. Other problems like high diastolic blood pressure also prevent people from exercising. But, if anyone has any blockage or any such problems should not think of themselves as heart patients and stop exercising. As exercising is necessary for strengthening the heart muscles. 


Hence it can be concluded that persons with body problems or heart problems are not restricted from doing exercise but there should be a balance between too much exercising and normal exercising. As exercising helps in maintaining good heart health so it is necessary to exercise but for persons with heart problems the level of exercise should be low and should be well maintained. A person with heart problems like bypass surgery or any such crucial problems cannot do exercise but they can do it if they are suggested by their doctors. Exercises like strength training and High Intensive interval training exercises should be avoided. 

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